Monday, June 8, 2009

Another Great One

So I revisited an old favorite -- the Atlantic -- but this time the online version for the first time. It's great, and for much the same reason that I love The New Republic site. The Atlantic is also simply and well organized, laid out with the preliminary info horizontal up top -- i.e., title, laudatory statements, Web site sections -- and the meat of the contents in three vertical columns below that. The lede story was actually a video, an interview with ___ (?) Starobin about his book on a post-American-dominance world (good, relaxed, accessible stuff, but a little long at nearly 7 minutes). Other videos are clearly called out, and text articles are easily clickable. Interesting -- I picked up a hard copy of the magazine a couple months ago for the first time in quite a while and thought I noticed a falloff in quality, or was it just a different editorial tone? The covers look like they're getting a bit garish, too (a lot of hot pink). I'm curious what the effect/relationship between the hoary old magazine and the fancy-schmancy new Web site is -- the latter pulling resources away from the former?

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